Main Features

WeatherSafe Coffee Enterprise Edition is equipped with the following features:

  • Intuitive account software functionalities designed to set targets for managers and to encourage an understanding of the financial model of their Cooperatives and Coffee Washing Stations

  • Capacity level monitoring and planning tool that set production targets assessing the optimum capacity levels

  • Multiple and two-ways online communication functionalities to quickly and efficiently communicate with cooperatives and other line managers for management proposes

  • Logistics optimizer: identifies the optimum locations and logistics settings for the harvesting and processing operations

  • Real-time coffee price: continuous update and account of the coffee financial market exchange futures price as well as the national cherries gate price.

  • Early warnings and alerts: automated messages and recommendations on extreme weather events and coffee pests and diseases risk, outbreaks and contamination.

  • Reports and Forecasts: at key stages of the harvesting year deliver of accurate reports and forecasts that highlight major trends, issues, changes overtime, recommendations and projections on current and potential management strategies


Coffee Cooperatives and Coffee Washing Stations owners and operators:

  • Improve accountancy and management practices
  • Improve coffee quality and yields
  • Reduce damages from extreme weather events and coffee pests and diseases
  • Increase the efficiency of logistics operations with satellite based insights: solve distance issues, identifying proximity to high-end coffee cherries producing farms and more
  • Increase efficiency of production capacity avoiding under-capacity operations
  • Improve access to credit via certification of business processes for bank lending

About the software

Who‘s behind this


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Phone: 0203 397 0735

Oxford, GB

OX11 Fermi Avenue

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Created and designed by WeatherSafe